Quintessential of Cracow

small bakers 

bakers rackSimilarly case is of the „confectionery”  entrepreneurs, a small bakers or cake shops are one of the quintessential of Cracow.

You do not have to go to Wadowice to try „Papal Cream Cakes” – in Krakow You can do this!

In Krakow there are all the important goodies other popular places in Poland are known from which.

Of course, if you’re going to visit Zakopane and go to a restaurant to eat something special, You probably do not point to the dishes only but You also attach weight to décor, the atmosphere, the people around you.

Therefore, to be honest, as well you might enjoy a traditional highlander dinner in every other restaurant on the market in Krakow, but none of this restaurant is fully replace what you can experience there in the mountains.

different  type of pub

restaurant planeHowever, for aspiring entrepreneurs – restaurants on wheels turns out to be a real hit lately. This is not a novelty, but this type of pub is just experiencing a renaissance.

Thus, we see that a vehicle does not have to be used only for the people transportation (It is worth to mention the business consisting on the transportation of people in Krakwie – Taxi companies or more pared-down in this business direction – katowice airport to krakow transport or katowice airport to zakopane or just krakow airport shuttle. Here you will never be bored.

All the time people leave and come back, so they always need to get from the airport d city center somehow. Accordingly, in this industry I suppose that outages do not occur.

Lately, in Krakow there is a veritable craze for this type of catering business. Why? Certainly, drum up this kind of business is less expensive than opening a traditional restaurant, as you don’t have to pay rent, wrangle with the eternally dissatisfied neighbors and have to maintain whole the service staff –  waiters, waitresses, etc..

travel and eat

train restaurantThe bar on wheels does not demand to pay the waiters – because they are expendable I guess. You have Your own moving restaurant, so you are not dependent on any place or landlords, or sometimes malicious , envious neighbors. You’re just independent and free.  So independently on the mood or weather You can change the location of your restaurant.

You can go for example airport krakow and there You can serve visitors. Another time you can sell food even in the mountains and by the way take a trip to Zakopane. In the season, you can also go to places more crowded with tourists who like outings kind of trip to Auschwitz, Salt Mine tour, or as I have said previously – Zakopente tour.

Just a little bit of culinary abilities holds out, some knowledge about business and first and foremost –  willingness and courage, because it is the most important. Without willingness and courage nobody would embark on such a business, as it  always safer to work under someone… Am I wrong?  But it turns out, however, that self-interest is self-interest, this is something what can be both your work and hobby, something in which you are your own boss and that you dictate conditions and that You drive others. This is something that some people have a lifelong desire for but are afraid leap at the chance.